Unlock The Power of your Gene
Unlock Your True Potential with Personalized DNA Insights - Discover Your Optimal Fitness, Nutrition, and Skincare Regimen Today!
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About GenType.

GenType is a leader in direct to consumer DTC testing with outsourced labs. We offer a wide range of tests, including nutrigenomics, fitness genomics, and skin genomics. Our tests are designed to help you understand your unique genetic makeup and how it affects your health and well-being.

We work with a CLIA-certified labs to ensure that our tests are accurate and reliable. We also offer a variety of convenient and affordable testing options, so you can find a test that is right for your needs and budget.

Why to do the test?

Identify food sensitivities and intolerances.

Optimize your diet for weight loss or management.

Personalizing your supplement regimen.

Set up a personalized Fitness Goals Based on your DNA

How genetic testing benefits nutrition and fitness

Genetic testing can benefit nutrition and fitness in several ways by providing individuals with personalized information about their genetic predispositions and unique physiological responses.